Monday 2 January 2012

Comparing Mildew vs Mold Effects and Health Hazards

Mold and mildew can be found everywhere both indoors and outdoors. These can be on household items and even in the air we breathe. Molds in particular can develop well in humid and dark places. These are those areas that lack proper air circulation which initiates the rapid formation of both mold and mildew. However, there are several health hazards associated with mold and mildew development. Let us now compare mildew vs mold to understand the various harmful effects of such formation inside homes.

Mold is a microscopic fungus that develops in long branching multicellular filaments. There are thousands of such species of mold. These thrive on the organic matter on which they live. They produce mold spores that remain airborne indefinitely which can resist extreme temperature and pressure. These develop in moist areas and humid surfaces. Often the source of mold development is a leaky roof, pipe or even poor ventilation in humid rooms. If these areas are checked and cleaned to avoid any further mold formation it is excellent to treat the problem.

The mold spores are how such mold formation spreads and develops. These travel in the air until they find a suitable surface to rest on. There are mold spores in every home, but rooms with mold growth have an increase of spores in the air. Preventing the development of mold in other parts of the house requires finding the mold infested area and combating the problem. However, a lot of times such source is not visible which requires the usage of special equipment to locate the areas. This is the major reason why a specialized professional is suitable in treating such mold problems. They are equipped with the most specific machinery and are trained to deal with the issue.

Mildew is actually the growth produced by mold fungi. Various fungi produce different types of mildew. It appears in a variety of forms which includes spores that appear like sugar, spots or discolorations. There are two types of mildew powdery and downy. Powdery mildew looks like small white or gray patches which are commonly found on flowers. The downy mildew differs in appearance as looks like a tanned or blotchy spot on white fuzz which engulfs the organic material it thrives on.

Indoor mold growth increases chances of exposure to mold. Exposure to such toxic mold development can be extremely hazardous for your health. This makes it necessary to wear protective shirts, trousers, gloves, face mask and eyewear when engaged in mold removal. Some serious health conditions can also be caused by mold and mildew. Molds produce toxins which can greatly affect people in homes or offices. Exposure for a prolonged time may cause the development of more serious conditions than just asthma or allergies. Memory and hearing loss has been attributed to mold contamination. Breathing disorders, flu-like symptoms, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, excessive bruising and acid reflux are some of the common health hazards of mold. Those affected by mold and mildew have to take medications or even induce into therapies and treatments to regain normal health.

For more such information and to acquire the effects of these formations, visit mold vs mildew.

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